Jesse The Jack Russell의 일상 생활을 완벽하게 지켜보세요.

Teaching your dog tricks such as 'sit' and 'stay' are not only fun to teach (and fun for them to learn) but are beneficial to your dog's temperament and overall obediance, keeping them alert and energetic - plus it's a great way for you to bond.
Jesse, the adorable Jack Russell really takes his repetoire of tricks to the next level which have all been taught with positive reinforcement. It's evident he's having a great time - just look at his happy smile!
당신은 확실히 당신의 꾀꼬리가 매일 매일의 잡일을 배우려고 노력하는 영감을 느낄 것입니다 ...
Jesse, the adorable Jack Russell really takes his repetoire of tricks to the next level which have all been taught with positive reinforcement. It's evident he's having a great time - just look at his happy smile!