당신의 고양이는 Purr에 관하여 정원을 창조하십시오

We have heard about the toxic plants we should avoid adding to our gardens to keep our cats safe – but what about the plants cat’s love? There are a variety of plant species kitties adore, many of which are great for their health too.
Cat grass (dactylis glomerata)
As its name suggests, cats are fond of Cat Grass. It helps cats with their digestion, and is great for dogs, guinea pigs and rabbits as well.
Lemongrass (cymbopagon)

고양이는 레몬 그라스의 냄새를 절대적으로 좋아하며 심지어 니블이나 두 가지를 즐기기도합니다. 아시아의 맛을 만끽하기 위해 요리에 추가 할 수도 있습니다.
Funnily enough, cats despise the smell of lemons!
Catnip (nepeta cataria)
Catnip holds a special place in the feline heart. Beware, your kitty may go a little crazy on the stuff and you may attract legions of neighborhood cats to your garden (seriously). Cats react to the nepatalactone in catnip leaves and stems. Upon contact cats have a psychosexual reaction – essentially ‘get high’ – for up to 15 minutes.
Catnip also products pretty pink flowers that attract bees to your garden, helping with pollination of all your other plants.
Valerian has a similar effect on cats as catnip. To us, the white and pink flowers have a pleasant sweet vanilla fragrance, making a great choice for pet and owner. In Valerian a compound called actinidine works as a semi-psychotic stimulant for kitties, sending them into a relaxed, purring fit.
Licorice root tastes yummy to cats and it is also good for them, especially those who have allergies, colds and digestive issues, as it is a natural cortisone and soothes mucus membranes. It also has cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties making it a great choice for people with elderly cats suffering from arthritis.
Catnip also products pretty pink flowers that attract bees to your garden, helping with pollination of all your other plants.
Valerian (valeriana officinalis)

Valerian has a similar effect on cats as catnip. To us, the white and pink flowers have a pleasant sweet vanilla fragrance, making a great choice for pet and owner. In Valerian a compound called actinidine works as a semi-psychotic stimulant for kitties, sending them into a relaxed, purring fit.
Cat Thyme (Teucrium marum)
Cat thyme is another plant that sends cats into a frenzy. In spite of its name, it is actually not a variety of thyme but a germander. Some cats even prefer it to catnip. Unfortunately, human noses aren’t generally so keen. To us, it smells quite dreadful.
Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Licorice root tastes yummy to cats and it is also good for them, especially those who have allergies, colds and digestive issues, as it is a natural cortisone and soothes mucus membranes. It also has cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties making it a great choice for people with elderly cats suffering from arthritis.